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Meet the SRP Los Angeles Team

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Does this sound familiar…

You’re one of the people in charge of making benefits decisions at your organization and when it comes to the 401(k) or 403(b) plan it’s…


Or at least you think it’s fine.  Wait, is it fine? 

That’s where we come in…Hi, my name is Erin Hall and this is my partner, Douglas Bermudez. 

Together we’re Strategic Retirement Partners in Southern California.  We help 401(k) and 403(b) plan committees expect more than just “fine” and gain confidence you’re doing the right things with 3 essential ingredients. 

First, we get your plan on solid fiduciary footing.  We’re going to guide you through our process to make sure your investments are cost efficient, performing as expected, and well documented.  We’ll also make sure you have the right training and records to demonstrate your activity as a plan fiduciary. Once we have the fiduciary foundation in place,

secondly we make sure you have the right plan construction to fit your goals.  This includes reviewing your plan design and vendors to get the right resources and features in place to align with your objectives and culture in mind. 

Finally, we provide experience to meet your changing needs.   As retirement plan specialists at a firm that specializes in retirement plan consulting, we have the collective experience to address challenges and opportunities as they arise.  

The internal team helping us support you includes our Director of Participant Education, Chief Investment Officer, Plan Consultant and Client Service Relationship Manager.  We like to say our “Secret Sauce” is our People, Process, and Technology. 

Our passion is helping underserviced plan sponsors fine tune your retirement plan into more than a benefit and into a strategic asset.  We’d love the opportunity to learn about you and see how we can help make a difference.

10 Basic Services Checklist

Download our checklist to see if you're getting the 10 basic services ANY plan sponsor should receive from their advisor.

Get the Checklist

If You Can't Check All 10 Boxes...

it's time to start EXPECTING MORE

Schedule a 30 minute meeting with me to discover opportunities to save you money and/or improve your plan.